Time Time Time exposure

I still love my old Yashica 35mm camera. It has the heft and 'importance' that the new little digital guy just doesn't have. Does anyone else feel that we are still supposed to squint through a view finder instead of holding up a little box and pointing it toward your subject?? I am coming to really love my digital, too, but for these shots, the Yashica was the one to use for time exposures.
The installation is going well. I'll disassemble it on Thursday around five in the afternoon. If anyone wants to come by, you're invited. I'll do the clean up alone, I think. Bursting the remaining balloons and gathering them up into bags won't take long.
The generous assistance of friends has been invaluable. I went to the Gas Station last night to take more photos and ran into Richard, my liaison from the City of Glendale Arts and Culture Department! He was showing the installation to his sister. He's been the lynch pin in this whole thing. He's an artist as well as an administrator, quite a combination of hats. More thanks to him.
I've offered a limited edition collection of one hundred balloons, signed and numbered. There are still several left. I figured that if I could sell a hundred at five bucks each that I'd about break even for my expenses. If you are interested, just email me at directortv41@yahoo.com. We'll arrange payment. Postage is included.
T Shirts are $15.00 postage included. Send size and color choice and I'll make them to order.
Don't forget the Studio Tour on September 14th. The Tropico Arts Collective will have their work in the Gas Station that Sunday.
I like the installation. I'm sure it looks even better in person.
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